Kazuko Ozaki Coleman of Kobe City, Japan with her younger brothers and sisters, children of Kanekichi Katsu Ozaki and Miyo Yamashita. Kazuko was first wife of Elwood R. Coleman, Jr. and mother of John O. Coleman and Elizabeth F. Coleman.
The names are from the left - Uncle Tatsuhiro, Aunt Hiromi, Kazuko-Mama, ( youngest brother I don't know his name; he died in a fire- I remember talking to him on the telephone in 1980- he spoke some English and lived in Okinawa), Aunt Taeko----- Missing from the picture is one sister; she was the second oldest- her name is Aunt Michiko. John
Welcome to my Coleman Family Blog! This is a work in progress and changes may occur as new information becomes available. Comments relative to this site are always welcome. Email: woody.coleman@yahoo.com
Irish Pedigrees or The Origin and Stem of The Irish Nation; 5th Edition, Vol. 1;by John O'Hart, Doublin, 1892
Letters of Laura Kolb (Coleman) Kingsbery;Franklin, NC; 1963
McCalman Ancestry, The Earliest Claims; by Glynn McCalman, Sep 13, 2002
Memoirs of Georgia;Southern Historical Society, Atlanta, GA., 1895.
Paternal DNA Test Results;Elwood R. Coleman, Jr.; Ancestry.com;Oct 15, 2008
The Coleman-Young Family Tree, by E. Coleman, Jr., Ancestry.com
The Scottish Nation or The Surnames,Families, Liturature, Honours, and Biographical History of The People of Scotland; Vol 1;by William Anderson, London, 1862
The names are from the left - Uncle Tatsuhiro, Aunt Hiromi, Kazuko-Mama, ( youngest brother I don't know his name; he died in a fire- I remember talking to him on the telephone in 1980- he spoke some English and lived in Okinawa), Aunt Taeko----- Missing from the picture is one sister; she was the second oldest- her name is Aunt Michiko.